Teen Bonfire

Host : Teri Pritchard Groups : 14 - 18 years We are hosting a teen bonfire for all teens ages 14 - 18 years old. The bonfire will start around 8pm and last until 11pm. We will have hot dogs and s'mores for everyone along with water and juice. This will be a chaperoned event […]

Kid’s Field Day

The OSORC Clubhouse

Host : Teri Pritchard Groups : 4 - 17 years Kids ages 4 to 17 years old come join us on July 5th for Field Day! Play games and race races to earn ribbons and meet some other kids your age in the park. There will be 3 squad times for different age groups to […]

Talent Show

The OSORC Clubhouse

Host : Teri Pritchard Group(s) : All ages Do you have a talent that you want to show off to the other club members? Can you play an instrument? Can you sing, juggle, dance, or maybe all three?!? July 5th on the clubhouse stage is your opportunity to show off to everyone and meet some […]

Beach Jam & Sing Along

Playground firepit 58 Dunes Lane, Ocean Shores, WA, WA, United States

Host: Steven DeGroot Group(s) : Come to the Beach Jam & Sing Along! If you play an instrument, bring it along! If you sing, this is for you If you listen, it will be a blast! Request songs to sing in the comments and we will lead them. Starts at 8pm (after Talent Show) and […]

Community Yard Sale

OSORC - the whole park 58 Dunes Lane, Ocean Shores, WA, WA, United States

Host : OSARC - the Activities Committee Group(s) : All ages Got stuff to sell?!?!? Go through your trailer, your "shabin" (shed-cabin), bring stuff from home ... it's all your call ! Put up a table, put out your stuff, maybe even put up a sign, and enjoy visiting with fellow members as the shop […]

Patriotic Painting Class

The OSORC Clubhouse

Host : AJ Rex Group(s): Teen / Adult Painting class for teens and adults at 12pm (noon). There will be supplies provided for you to come join us in painting a patriotic scene. Sign-ups will be limited to 30 participants. Please RSVP on the OSARC Facebook event or send an email to office@osorc.org with the […]

4th of July Karaoke Night

The OSORC Clubhouse

Host : Jessica McGee Group(s) : 7-9pm - all ages, after 9pm - 21+ Warm up your vocal chords and get ready to sing the night away! We know what you're thinking and allow us to disagree: you can totally sing. With tons of songs and genres to choose from you're sure to find that […]

Quarterly Board Meeting

The OSORC Clubhouse

Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81242654960?pwd=RnphakFpT0tkTHdCZ3l3UVBxTU1EZz09 Meeting ID: 812 4265 4960 Passcode: 123456

Summer Painting Class

The OSORC Clubhouse

Hosted by : AJ Rex Group(s) - All Ages Painting Class for all ages at 1:00 pm. There will be supplies provided for you to come join us in painting a happy potted cactus. Sign-ups will be limited to 22 participants. Please RSVP on the OSARC Facebook event or send an email to office@osorc.org with […]

3rd Annual Beer & Wine Tasting

The OSORC Clubhouse

Host : AJ Rex Group(s) : Do you search high and low for the right beverage? Have you tried local!?!? What if wines, ciders, and beers came to YOU? Join us for the 3rd Annual Beer & Wine Tasting. OSARC will be purchasing various beverages from local wineries and breweries and bringing them to the […]

Monthly Board Meeting

The OSORC Clubhouse

Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81242654960?pwd=RnphakFpT0tkTHdCZ3l3UVBxTU1EZz09 Meeting ID: 812 4265 4960 Passcode: 123456

Decoupage Oysters

The OSORC Clubhouse

Host : Dawn Banks Group(s) : All ages Decoupage seashells and create a beautiful keepsake! Everything you need will be provided. Or it you like, bring your own shells you'd like to decorate. The class is for kids and adults so come create with us !!

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